Lake Nakuru's matchless geographics and earth science yore it holds captivation for geologists, naturalists, botanists, ornithologists and preservationists. Of course, wherever here is wonder to subject field in that is also attractiveness to the possibly little solid taxonomic category among us, the tourist, who is none the smaller amount in suspense for new and interesting figures .

50 Million age ago subsurface forces ripped apart the earth's crust creating a y-shaped fracture cross-town the exterior of the earth. The crack, best-known as the Great Rift Valley, stretches from Syria and Lebanon at one end to Mozambique at the some other end. The Red Sea, the Gulf of Jordan and the Gulf of Aden were all formed about and because of the gap. Lake Victoria, on beside all the wonderful lakes in Africa, and in information Lake Nakuru itself, all defined as a ending of the rift. In East Africa, and in one in Kenya, the two branches of the gap are acknowledged as the Eastern Rift Valley and the Western Rift Valley, now both contain Kenya Game Reserves. As the land unsmooth and tore, volcanic eruptions guarded up considerable amounts of liquefied batter. Today the municipality is motionless obvious by dead and moving volcanoes, as well as geysers and hot springs.

The region of the Rift Valley is well-fixed in fossils and waste of our human ancestors. It is a favourite encampment for archaeologists and geologists, having reminders and clues of the earth's past and of our ancient times as a quality taxonomic category. Ape ancestors complete ten million old age old have been uncovered in the Rift Valley. The 8 lakes of Kenya's Eastern Rift Valley have lofty concentrations of minerals and salt.

Lake Nakuru is sited in Kenya's Eastern Rift Valley. It is a shallow, alkaline mere that is familial to more than a few partisan organisms not saved any in the sea or in fresh sea lakes. The superior algae that burgeon here are favorite by the pink flamingos, the parks greatest holidaymaker crowd-puller. The interest and aesthetic of the flamingos sheath the lagoon like a wave cerise scarf aimless ended the river is aforementioned to be one of the most attractive sights in Africa and Lake Nakuru one of the more marvellous Game Reserves in Kenya


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