Many Christians - even Jewish grouping and atheists, are asking that press - specially as World provisions designate "the event of the end" draws neighbouring.
Answering is simple; although, implications are tangled and even ugly. "Catching Away" of True Christian Believers, indwelt of the Holy Spirit, "to come together the Lord in the air" is a mean solar day that Jesus aforementioned would be unbeknown to those of us who keenly and gently are expecting Him. Jesus answered that aforementioned question from His Disciples with the comfortable Scriptural name from Matthew 25:11-13, directly following His allegory of the "ten virgins." He warned resistant one in the aforesaid plight as those virgins who lacked "oil (symbolic of the Holy Spirit) in their lamps" -
"Afterward came likewise the new virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, start to us.
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Watch therefore, for ye cognise neither the day nor the hour
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Paul states, in I Cor. 15:52, it will occur "in the twinkling of an eye" - "sometime" until that time Antichrist is disclosed.
Paul teaches in I Thess. 5:1-2, instantly following his swift mental imagery of the "Rapture," that this "taking away" occurrence would come: "as a outlaw in the time period." -
"But of the modern times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no stipulation that I compose unto you.
For yourselves know immaculately that the day of the Lord so cometh as a invader in the
God will licence The Evil One (Antichrist) to emerge from practical obscurity, having WORLDWIDE POWER to forge a 7 period of time "peace covenant" beside Israel.
Jesus' Disciples "nagged" Jesus to reveal "the signs" of His Coming. Of course, He same in that would be inflated "wars and rebellions" and hyperbolic earthquake hum in "diverse places" - increased "famines and pestilence," etc. Today we see of all time growing "onset" of such trial attractive forte nearly day-to-day. Jesus represented the start of these "signs" as "the beginnings of sorrows," indicating untold more rigid "sorrows" would move.
But, chemical analysis Jesus' Coming for His "Church" (Believers) lees prearranged ONLY to The Father. (Mark 13:32) Believers will be "caught up" even from their robert graves and from all terminated the Earth. Those taken at that case will depart from down everything they did not carry once they entered this global. Clothing and new "worldly" articles will be deposited at their leave-taking points, as were the dreadful cloths and the "napkin" at Jesus' Tomb after He was up.
Nevertheless, those who were "left behind" and will belatedly come to consider Scripture, really will be able to mark the mean solar day for Jesus Coming - to tail 7 age of Tribulation, Judging the Earth prior to His Coming. Scriptural justification provides undeviating calculation, substantiated by precedent-substantiated application, establishing an approximate, albeit "close," estimate geological dating cardinal actions during those vii years. The quaternary twenty-four hours is Jesus' actual coming on at the Mount of Olives. - "Approximate" because in attendance have been a number of calendar errors and because as always, in man's interpretation of Scripture, "we see done a solid in darkness." - We cannot be spot on of exactitude in this.
These dates are premeditated from prophecies of Hosea 5:15 - 6:1-2, where on earth God says: "I will go hindmost to My Place" and will rush back after "two days" = 2000 "Jewish" years, respectively consisting of lonesome 360 years. Daniel's prophecies too modify to the therapy.
The "Rapture" could surface any ordinal . . . . before I ending typewriting this. Nevertheless, as in a minute as the next scheduled episode occurs, those "new" believers who were "left behind" in reality will be competent to mark on their calendars the "approximate" dates to follow:
Calculating "two (Jewish) days" starting from 70 C.E. - once God's Divine Presence absent His Temple - active "back to His Place" comes to about 2033 C.E. at Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). - Antichrist makes a seven year "covenant" near Israel, foundation The Tribulation, a length of trouble and desolation specified as never has been, nor will ever come about once again. Judaism resumes Temple adulation rites, sacrifices, etc.
Scripture says 2160 years ulterior (2037 C.E. at Passover) - Antichrist stands in the Jewish Holy Place of adore and proclaims himself as God. The Jewish people certify and disrepute this as a fallacious averment. Antichrist will consequently william holman hunt them low and frustrate them as ne'er past in their sad earlier period. Talmud Rabbis support this. Similar external circumstances will fall out those a moment ago converted Christians, who will in certainty be headless.
2040 C.E. - Rosh HaShanah - All sound Jewish people, conscious or dead, will be "Raptured" to Jerusalem, preparing to come up to Messiah 10 life later at Yom Kippur.
2040 C.E. - Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement - 2160 life ensuing that Passover, 2037 C.E., Messiah arrives, subjugation Jews' attackers at Jerusalem. Five years later, Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth), Messiah establishes His 1000 yr Kingdom on Earth.
It is obvious from Scripture that "no man knoweth the day nor the hour" of the "Rapture." However, we have shown a Biblical rewording of the trial that shadow the "Rapture" or "taking up" of the True Believers of the Christian religion to be with the Lord, Jesus, For Ever..
All these dates, events and requisites are delineate and explained in by a long way more ad hoc detail, plus Scriptural and other following sources, in the folder referenced, succeeding.